Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!













Makathon Circular Making Fort at Aalsmeer

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!


- Initiation pahse in December 2022

- Start of programme team in March 2023

- Implementation on 20, 21 and 22 September 2023


As co-initiator, programme designer and trainer within the programme, responsible together with Cooperative DOON for training and mentoring the coaches and developing the content transfer (publication). Also the host and main speaker of the podcast series "Echoes of Fort Aalsmeer.


To create a circular mindset of professionals within municipality, province, educational and heritage organisations through a hands-on makathon, where young people from different educational levels collaborate on circular projects at a heritage site. The programme focused on developing an approach in which professionals and young people worked in teams to address the complexity of cultural heritage issues.

Tasks and Responsibilities

- Stakeholder engagement.
- Recruitment and training of innovation coaches.
- Development and guidance of the programme structure.
- Responsibility for practical organisation and communication.
- Oversee programme coherence, quality and content.
- Programme coordination with various partners and stakeholders.
- Developing a publication to make the methodology and results transferable.
- Host and speaker of the podcast series "Echoes of Fort Aalsmeer."
- Mentoring an interdisciplinary policy team during the mini-conference.

Core Values in Practice

During the makathon, a diversity of participants worked together inclusively and equally.
Participants were encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and frames of reference, explore the landscape and ecology from deep ecological principles, explore new materials and techniques, and learn in an iterative way.
Transparent communication and loyalty to shared goals were essential. This was facilitated by regular feedback sessions and open discussions about everyone's progress and challenges.

Impact and Results

- Development of two to four circular installations that enhance the heritage site.
- Creation of an educational format for circular making that can be applied by various institutions.
- Enhancement of heritage value by introducing innovative uses.
- Positive impact on the personal development and learning and career choices of participating young people.
- Professional teams and an interdisciplinary policy team worked on complex issues and delivered pattern-breaking concepts for Fort Aalsmeer.
- Documentation and dissemination of the knowledge and experiences gained through the podcast series "Echoes of Fort Aalsmeer." and the book Makathon Circular Making for heritage Fort near Aalsmeer.

Learning moments

Students and coaches learned the value of interdisciplinary working and the importance of circular thinking in practice.
Partners such as BouwAcademie Amsterdam and NOVA College gained new insights into applying circular construction techniques and design thinking in their curricula.
Policymakers saw how integrated collaboration offers new perspectives for heritage management and development.
Everyone involved learned to discover the landscape and it's sourroundings from a deep ecological perspective.

Skills developed by participants

- Design Thinking
- Problem-solving skills
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Creative and critical thinking
- ICT literacy
- Social and cultural skills
- Podcasting and storytelling


Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol: Yvonne Lub, Floor Nijdeken
DOON cooperation: Berry Groenendijk
BouwAcademie Amsterdam: Vincent Zijlstra
NOVA College: Ernst Dobber
Kaj Munk College: Maco Combee

Additional Information

Insights from the International Study Week Circular Tolerance

Within the Erasmus programme Crafting Circularity, 40 students from five architecture courses from different European countries worked on circular architectural interventions around Fort near Aalsmeer. The designs were made from building materials found on second-hand sales sites, stimulating creativity by 'designing the other way round'. Connecting different elements and time-bound processes was crucial. The results show that circular construction on heritage sites is possible without affecting the soil, opening up new opportunities for sustainable heritage management.

Mini-Conference for Professionals

On the third day of the Makathon, a mini-conference was organised for professionals from the region, including representatives from the municipality of Hoofddorp, the province of North Holland, and several construction experts and policymakers. The aim of this conference was to discuss the role of cultural heritage in the living, living and working environment and to highlight society's responsibility in preserving it. In parallel to the mini-conference, an interdisciplinary policy team was guided to come up with pattern-breaking concepts for Fort Aalsmeer.

Podcast series

Cultural Historic Heritage Fort Aalsmeer: Man, Nature and Heritage Intertwined.

By Erwin HW Niedeveld - LeAD GLocal partner Cooperative DOON
Discover Fort Aalsmeer, where past, present and future come together. Our series reveals how man, nature, and cultural heritage can exist in harmony. Marvel at the stories of this UNESCO heritage site, told by a diverse group of stakeholders. Erwin Niedeveld leads you through the hidden stories of this historic site in Haarlemmermeer, highlighting how collaboration, learning, and innovation can connect us to our landscape and our future. A journey full of creativity and community spirit.

An initiative of Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol Airport.