Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Podium voor Architectuur is the knowledge and design network for the Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol region

Podium voor Architectuur is the knowledge and design network for the Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol region. It focuses on urgent spatial issues and works with designers, experts, businesses and residents to improve the living environment.


To stimulate dialogue, imagination, experimentation and innovation to improve spatial quality and liveability in the airport region.


Connecting spatial developments to create a sustainable and resilient model that is transferable to other parts of the Netherlands.

Societal Impact

Podium voor Architectuur contributes to awareness and discussion about the quality of the built environment, and supports initiatives that improve the living environment and economy in Haarlemmermeer and the region.

Podium voor Architectuur is the knowledge and design network for the Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol region

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

December 7, 2022

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!

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Smart Makers Education

May 1, 2016

3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

Smart Makers Education

Smart Makers Education connects education, industry and government for future-oriented, technology-driven maker education in North Holland.

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