Nova College

Nova College

Nova College offers a wide range of vocational education and training courses for young people and adults in North Holland, focusing on practical and sustainable education.

Nova College is a regional training centre offering a wide range of MBO programmes, courses and adult education in North Holland. Its various branches offer a modern and dynamic learning environment.


Nova College's mission is to provide students with high-quality education and guidance so that they can reach their full potential and be successful in their careers and personal lives.


Nova College strives to create an innovative and sustainable learning environment where students, staff and partners work together for continuous development and improvement.

Societal Impact

Nova College contributes to the community by offering practice-oriented education that meets the needs of the labour market and by investing in sustainable and innovative learning environments, such as the new Nova Campus Haarlem (Nova College) (Nova College) building.

MBO Programmes: Nova College offers a wide range of MBO programmes, including engineering, healthcare, commerce and services. This includes both full-time and part-time courses (BBL), where students learn by working and studying.

Adult education: For adults, Nova College offers various courses and training, including practical learning, refresher courses and recognised diplomas such as mavo, havo and vwo through the vavo (secondary general adult education).

Practorates and Innovation Labs: These expertise centres focus on research and innovation within secondary vocational education. They work together with the professional field and research centres to explore and apply innovations.

Nova College offers a wide range of vocational education and training courses for young people and adults in North Holland, focusing on practical and sustainable education.

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

December 7, 2022

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!

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