Katapult strengthens cooperation between education and business to create innovative solutions and improve the quality of vocational education.

Katapult is a growing network of more than 550 partnerships between education and business, aimed at improving collaboration and innovation.


To promote public-private partnerships to improve the quality of vocational education and practice.


By promoting cooperation between education and business, Katapult aims to contribute to the development of future-oriented vocational education and sustainable economic growth.

Societal Impact

Every year, Katapult facilitates thousands of students and professionals to gain practical experience and contribute to innovation in SMEs, resulting in a stronger knowledge economy.

Katapult strengthens cooperation between education and business to create innovative solutions and improve the quality of vocational education.

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

December 7, 2022

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!

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Smart Makers Education

May 1, 2016

3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

Smart Makers Education

Smart Makers Education connects education, industry and government for future-oriented, technology-driven maker education in North Holland.

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