Architecture Institute Rotterdam

Architecture Institute Rotterdam

AIR, the Architecture Institute Rotterdam, is a platform that promotes dialogue on spatial issues such as climate change and energy transition.

AIR is the Architecture Institute Rotterdam. AIR sees it as its mission to involve as many people as possible in the complexity of major spatial issues, such as the climate challenge, energy transition, mobility transition and the housing challenge. AIR believes that design is the instrument to broadly discuss the city and spatial tasks. With substantive activity programmes, our networks and experience, we build a bridge between culture and urban development, between imagination and making, between thinking and doing.


To open up the conversation on urban design to a wide audience and build a bridge between culture and urban development, between imagination and realisation.


AIR strives for an attractive, sustainable and inclusive Rotterdam through innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to urban development.

Societal Impact

AIR facilitates discussions and initiatives that contribute to the spatial quality of Rotterdam, and encourages local community involvement in urban planning.

AIR organises debates, lectures, workshops, city labs, cultural education, design competitions and festivals. It provides a platform for both local initiatives and international networks.

AIR has its roots in the 1980s and has evolved into a local architecture institute promoting public debate and awareness of urban development.

AIR, the Architecture Institute Rotterdam, is a platform that promotes dialogue on spatial issues such as climate change and energy transition.

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

December 7, 2022

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!

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