Find out how we contributed to the National Climate Agreement through labour market development, training and education. Together, we are preparing the Netherlands for a sustainable future with green jobs and innovative learning programmes.







National Climate Agreement

Find out how we contributed to the National Climate Agreement through labour market development, training and education. Together, we are preparing the Netherlands for a sustainable future with green jobs and innovative learning programmes.


2017 - 2019


As strategic advisor labor market, training and education, designer and co-organizer in cooperation with the Climate Energy Hub (KEK) and Young Climate Movement (JKB) - interest groups of young professionals - I was involved in advising the sector tables of the National Climate Agreement.


The collaboration aimed to identify and address labor market, training and educational needs in the National Climate Agreement to be drafted, with a specific focus on developing integrated human capital agendas, promoting modular and responsive education, and ensuring an inclusive labor market.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Strategic Advisory: In cooperation with the KEK and JKB representatives retrieve the diversity of interests and dependencies in order to arrive at a common perspective on the trends, developments and bottlenecks within Labor Market and Schooling issues. Lobbying and agenda-setting of key issues for youth participation and integration of their labor market, training and educational needs in collaboration with the KEK and JKB.

Program development and organization of a breakthrough session (hackathon) in close cooperation with partners within the ecosystem.

Organization and training of the facilitators of the interdisciplinary teams, including students from my former Human Technology and Smart Technology courses.

Core Values in Practice

The inclusive approach encouraged diversity in perspectives, essential for formulating innovative solutions. And focus on an active commitment to utilize the full workforce, including marginalized groups.

Impact and Results

The input in both the various sector tables, as well as the Task Committee on Labor Market and Schooling with the insights from the hackathon as a breakthrough program have contributed to concrete policy changes, as stipulated in paragraph D4 of the National Climate Agreement, and have since emphasized the essential role of labor market, training and education in the energy transition in its full breadth.

Following this trajectory and my involvement in the Zeeland Energy Agreement, have led to the creation of a handbook for all 30 RES regions in the Netherlands with a focus on Labor Market, Training and Education. See the following weblink for the handbook: direct link

Learning moments

The process strengthened my insights into political policy-making processes at the national and sectoral level and how to redirect them to interests towards cross-sectoral cooperation and the integration of youth perspectives in policy-making.

Skills developed by participants

Skills developed include strategic advice on lobbying and network management, cross-sectoral policy advice, stakeholder management, and advocacy group counseling.


For more information, visit:

- The National Climate Agreement website:

- How the Climate Agreement came about: news item

- The Climate Agreement: the goals, the organization and the way to get there: download link or English translation

- Download the National Climate Agreement directly. See for Labor Market, Training and Education section D4;

- See the organization chart of tables and sub-tables Climate Agreement during the process - download link

- Information on Labor Market, Training and Education

- Starting in 2017, the SER helped the Climate Consultation to create a broadly supported Climate Agreement. Link to Social and Economic Council: "SER concludes ten years of active role in climate policy"

- Download the handout Labor Market and Schooling.

Additional Information

The Labor Market, Training and Education section includes the following fundamental aspects and pillars:

1. Integral Human Capital Agendas: Development of coherent, widely supported medium- and long-term labor market and education agendas, including social impacts.

2. Regional Economic Agendas: Translation of national and sectoral agreements into regional action plans that contribute to national goals, with a focus on integrating policy and practice.

3. Modular and Responsive Education: Promoting an adaptive education system that is responsive to changing labor market needs, based on existing good practices and agreements.

4. Inclusive Approach: Commitment to a labor market that provides opportunities for all, including women, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups.

5. Good Employment Terms and Conditions: Strive for fair terms and conditions and participation in sectors essential to the energy transition.

6. Improving Labor Market Information: Develop better insights into future labor market needs and the impact of energy transition initiatives.

7. Fair and Inclusive Coping with Employment Losses: Preparing and supporting workers in transitions, with government playing a key role in facilitating a "just transition.