Concire is developer of urban area concepts
What does Concire do?
Carol Hol and Evert van der Hoek started Concire in May 2002, driving the ambition to become excellent in conceptual area development. The pride of place is our leitmotif, which serves as inspiration for the guiding idea. We thus establish the identity of the site and its positioning in the urban area. Also in a name, image and or logo. This creates places with an existing or new fierte (pride) that people can identify with and will feel connected to now and in the future.
Concire's core competence is conceptual area development: developing feasible area concepts as an independent consultant. For property developers, investors, private individuals, corporations and municipalities, we deploy our conceptional thinking skills. The balance between creativity and realism is reflected in Concire's behaviour and attitude. This is the company's trademark and produces products and services that are enticing to clients and plan reviewers.
Value creation is the basis for our way of concept development through product development to project realisation. Quality before quantity, we want to distinguish ourselves with special area concepts in inner-city projects and urban expansion. We enjoy our profession and want to earn our money with good area concepts for beautiful and feasible projects. With our name Concire (CONceptioneel Civitas Independent Real Estate), we show that we go for sustainable development, where we, together with the people who live and work there, want to achieve a valuable development that stands the test of time.
With the area concept, based on the pride of place, Concire gives direction to ambition, objectives, programme, team composition, spatial elaboration, marketing and development strategy.
Concire is a company that wants to contribute to the sustainable development of our society. Our ambition and way of working bear witness to this. Developing sustainable concepts for areas, which are therefore proud and valuable, is our main contribution. We create values with the area concept; commercial and social returns are important indicators of the values we create.
Download an article about "The Printing City: Experiencing the Handy Environment" from Carol Hol, conceptionist.
August 31, 2012
I Tech You is an educational initiative that aims to increase the involvement and awareness of technological concepts among secondary school students in Rotterdam-South. And to connect education with real life challenges from around the neighborhood.
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